
Just My Thoughts

10 Innovative Ways Brands are using Live Video to Drive Engagement

Companies that embrace new and innovative ways to promote themselves succeed and thrive. In a world where live updates through social media platforms are the most popular methods for news, it’s essential to create an effective strategy. More specifically, live video can help companies tell their brand story and improve their branding and marketing [...]

By |November 8th, 2016|

Advice to Millennials Working with Advertisers

My previous post spoke to advertisers who are looking to work with millennials, here is a companion piece with some tips to help the younger generation succeed in advertising: 1 . Be Patient A clever insight doesn’t make an entire campaign, it needs depth and planning. Advertising may seem like it’s come along way [...]

By |October 31st, 2016|

Startup Pitches vs. Brand Agency Pitches

Startups need to pitch their company to investors for the capital to start (or continue) building the company. Brand agencies pitch projects or ideas in order to sell to an existing customer, or to win over a new one, to start (or continue) building a brand. I, personally, have pitched to investors for startup [...]

By |October 29th, 2016|

Advice to Advertisers Working With Millennials

You would think that combining an industry that has the fastest growth and highest turnover with a generation notorious for job-hopping would be a recipe for disaster. But Millennials and their cultural strengths and weaknesses can actually be a good fit for the advertising agency world, if they just prepare themselves for a few [...]

By |October 27th, 2016|

What Lebron James Can Teach You About Brand Reinvention

As a company or a professional looking to rebrand an image, it can be difficult to find a road map. Who can you look to for a positive example? Here are eight lessons for how to rebuild brand reputation, taken from an unlikely source: LeBron James. You don’t have to be a sports fan [...]

By |September 15th, 2016|

Ad-Blockers and Advertising in the Future

Advertisers risk a growing backlash if they don’t get more entertaining and less invasive. We should be focusing on building relationships with customers, rather than frustrating or destructive methods seeking to optimize on real-time results. To date, the impact of ad-blockers has been relatively limited, but ad-block users are an ever increasing audience segment. [...]

By |September 8th, 2016|
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